wql 1.0.2
Correct citation information
Minor styling fixes
wql 1.0.1
CRAN maintenence release
wql 1.0.0
Update maintainer name and contact info
Bump version to signify stable functioning
Link rot fixes
wql 0.4.9
Fork and rebrand wq to wql
Added roxygen documentation
wql 0.4.8
eof: Shift id to row name in output.
eofPlot: Fix for non-numeric row names in original data.
mannKen: Use different definition of relative sen slope.
pett: Add change.size. Get actual change.time for zoo objects.
phenoAmp: Change to more versatile output statistics. Change argument name.
phenoPhase: Change argument name.
seaKen: Use different definition of relative sen slope.
trendHomog: Ignore seasons with insufficient data.
wql 0.4.7
Add back html vignette.
Fix global variable notes.
eof: Calculation method changed.
eofNum: Remove ruleN-based colouring.
eofPlot: Remove Monte Carlo lines.
plotTsTile: Default to median instead of mean.
ruleN: Remove.
wql 0.4.6
decompTs: Remove startyr and endyr. Add median as default centering method.
mannKen: Remove "tau" argument. Use median instead of mean for relative. Add exact p-values. Allow matrix and data.frame. Change plot.
pett.R: Add new function with plot for Pettitt test.
plotTs: Remove plot.order argument. Improve legend.
plotTsAnom: Remove plot.order argument.
seaKen: Allow matrix and data.frame. Add plot.
seaRoll: Change arguments and plot.
seasonTrend: Change arguments. Remove ls trend method. Improve legend.
wql 0.4.5
eofPlot.R: Fix argument to geom_hline.
wql 0.4.4
wq-internal.R: Removed.
plot WqData-class: Added global variable definitions.
wql 0.4.3
ammFrac: Remove.
layOut: Remove.
wql 0.4-1
mannKen: Preserve station order in data matrix.
mannKen: Modify examples to be more useful.
NAMESPACE: Add importFrom("methods").
NAMESPACE: Remove all require(zoo) from functions.
plotSeason: Enable plotting by arbitrary eras.
plotSeason: Fixed error when num.era=1.
vignette: Remove unnecessary commands from preamble.
wqData: Require locus to be length 3.
WqData-class: Change tz="UTC" default in as.Date for summary.
wql 0.3-11
: method now exists for WqData objects.
plotTsTile: has additional options and a corrected help file.
subset, transform: no longer used within code.
wqData: handles collision between locus and wq variables with same name.
minor bug fixes.
wql 0.3-10
Vignette (re-)included.
Minor changes in plotting functions.
wql 0.3-8
Updated for ggplot2 0.9.2.
wql 0.3-7
Minor changes to manual.
wql 0.3-6
Minor changes to code, with no changes in behaviour.
wql 0.3-5
Addresses issues introduced with version 0.9 of ggplot2.
Uses reshape2 instead of reshape.
plotTsAnom and seasonTrend: minor plotting changes.
wql 0.3-4
date2decyear: Converts dates to numeric years.
interpTs: More options for replacing NAs.
plotTs: Time series line plot plus isolated points
plotTsAnom: Now works for matrix time series.
theme_wq: Simplified version of theme_grey in package "ggplot2".
tsMake: No longer excruciatingly slow when layer = "max.depths"
wql 0.3-3
plotTsAnom: time series anomaly plot.
tsMake: Now aggregates depths (and days) by quantiles as well as means.
plotSeason: Fixed problem with missing data treatment.
tsSub: Fixed problem with incorrect starting month.
wql 0.3-1
plot method for class "WqData": Boxplots instead of stripcharts. Also fixed behaviour when less than 10 unique variables.
plotSeason: Changed "by.month" option to standardized anomalies.
tsMake: Added option to create series for "bottom" of water column.
Version requirement is R 10.0.
Vignette file size fixed so it can be downloaded from HTML help.
wql 0.3
All plot functions now produce objects of class "ggplot".
layOut: Lays out graphs of class ggplot.
mannKen: Added mts and plot options.
meanSub: Utility function to average subsets.
mts2ts: Prepare spatial time series for further analysis.
plotSeason: Added another way of plotting.
seaRoll: Plotting is an additional option.
trendHomog: Test for homogeneity of seasonal trends.
tsSub: Utility function to drop seasons in a ts.
plotEof: Changed to eofPlot.
wql 0.2-9
phenoPhase: Integration defaults can now be changed, if necessary.
plotSeason: Added smoother when type='by.month'.
seasonTrend: Changed appearance and some options.
plotSeason: Fixed problem when type='by.month'.
plotTsTile: Now plots correct colours when four=FALSE.
tsMake: Fixed problem when layer of class "numeric".
wql 0.2-8
wqData: Changed "narrow" to "long".
plotSeas: Changed to plotSeason.
ammFrac: New function for un-ionized ammonium.
plotSeason: Added option to plot individual months for entire record.
seasonTrend: New function for time series trends by season.
tsMake: Now allows for more ways of specifying depths.
mannKen, seaKen: Now gives correct sign when trend given as %.
phenoAmp: Fixed problem when subsetting months leaves no data for year.
phenoPhase: Fixed problem when subsetting months and x is a "zoo" object.
plotSeason: Now handles num = 1.
tsMake: Fixed problem when focus consisted of a single variable or site.
wql 0.2-5
interpTs: Option to fill with long-term mean or median.
plotSeas: Option to choose number of intervals.
WqData plot method: Option to choose variables.
phenoPhase: Fixed problem where max.time month number given relative to subset rather than whole year
plotTsTile: More useful error message when not enough data.
seaRoll: Fixed problem with frequencies other than 12.
tsMake: Remove need to specify layer if no depth info.
WqData subset method: Removed because of strategy that WqData objects should not be changed.
wqData: Argument value "narrow" changed to more conventional "long".
wqData: Now requires time.format to be specified.
wqData: Now ensures variable is a factor when type = "long".